Our services

Communication Control

The success of a business depends a lot on the cooperation, knowledge and enthusiasm of its intermediaries.

The negotiating parties focus on their individual interests and the interests of the other party with the aim of generating a common framework that allows a mutually beneficial agreement to be reached.

Our five principles:
  • Separate the people from the problem.
  • Global Vision of the Problem.
  • Focus on interests, not positions.
  • Invent options for mutual benefit.
  • Use objective criteria to reach the agreement.

Transactional Functions

We use our contacts to effectively benefit from market coverage. Marketing and sales activities with which they usually increase sales by resorting to various persuasive techniques such as attractive promotional offers.

Our four principles:
  • Our goal is for the client to capture the benefits of a product or service, arouse their interest and end up acquiring it.
  • We do not try to build customer loyalty. We do not overindulge in customer service. Our main purpose is direct sales.
  • Premium the economic transaction. It is the primary objective of both.
  • We seek immediate impact, not permanence. Surprise is the most sought after option.

Sales office

We offer to open sales offices in strategic locations that we consider suitable for sales.

We share the costs incurred in promoting the products and offer financial programs as payment facilities to customers.

Our three principles:
  • Anticipation, pay attention to market trends.
  • Optimization, recognize the factors that contribute to success.
  • Expansion, balance between store and opening demand.

Logistical support

We guarantee the uniform and effective physical distribution of your products. We are prepared to classify and store the articles in facilities that are close and easily accessible to the end customer.

On the other hand we facilitate the manufacturer's services and provide customer care services both before and after sales.

Our four principles:

  • Reduce the number of transactions between the manufacturer and the consumer.

  • Set the price.

  • Store and transport the products.

  • Divide and concentrate the product.

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